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Tammy’s Summer Skin Eating Tips

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert10 years ago
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Summer is the perfect time to breeze into healthfulness. There are so many ways to maintain and nourish the body, mind and spirit, while protecting and enhancing your complexion. But let’s keep it simple! Caring for skin is never as delicious as it is in the summertime, when some of our best defenses come directly from the garden and when easy is always best. Here are some of our favorite tips to care for summer skin effortlessly. -Staying hydrated is key in the warmer months. Eating local, seasonal fruit—like watermelon—not only provides excellent hydration, but contains crucial enzymes and nutrients for skin. -Introducing plenty of raw vegetables to your diet gives skin a real boost. Carrots contain major antioxidants. Avocados are rich in fatty acids. Tomatoes and lemons are packed with collagen-supporting Vitamin C, another powerful antioxidant source. -Plant butters and plant oils—including avocado and shea—are great for summer cooking, but also benefit dry skin when applied directly. Found in formulations throughout our collection, and providing a strong base for Antioxidant Crème and Intensive Repair Balm, they provide excellent hydration and an extra layer of UV protection when worn under sunscreen. -Stirring a little coconut oil into your favorite fresh fruit smoothie, or into a hot cup of tea, can actually reduce your body’s need for antioxidants, and can help prevent damage to body tissues, and slow skin’s aging. You can find Tammy Fender’s Skincare line on

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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