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Protein for the Hair

Protein for the Hair
SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert8 years ago
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Even though hair is strong, it can also get very brittle at times and need some extra care. We all know our hair is better off when we take it easy with heat-styling, use sulfate-free products, avoid over-washing, and use cool water when we do wash.

If you feel as though you are already doing your best but still aren’t seeing any improvement, it could be that your hair is lacking the protein it needs. Staying in good general health is always going to help your hair, but sometimes we need more.

Hair damage is the degradation of the keratin proteins that make up the hair strand; the cuticle, which is the protective outer layer, and the inner core. The cuticle is made up of cells that fit together like scales on a fish, and damage occurs when something causes the scales to lift and separate.

The inner core of the hair contains the proteins that give it structure and strength. If the cuticle is compromised, damage can occur on both the inside and outside of the hair shaft. Because the protein (keratin) is damaged, keratin is really the only thing that can repair it.

My favorite keratin product is the Kerstin Florian Intensive Hair Repair. We know that skin care masking is important, and the same goes for hair! This mask is very easy to apply and remove.

How to use:

  1. Shampoo your hair and apply the product, concentrate on the ends.
  2. Then wrap your hair in a towel or shower cap for 5-10 minutes, for extra penetration benefits, use a blow dryer to heat the product.
  3. Let the mask cool then rinse.

The biggest change I noticed after using this mask was how little breakage I now have. The keratin strengthened my hair, eliminated split ends and smoothed out the texture. This product has allowed me to continue the use of my heated tools and ever-changing hair color without the damage.

SkinStore Editors
Writer and expert
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